Code Red by Jaime Lynn Shafer

Code Red is issued when an imminent and major danger threatens school safety. The interior text, printed from wood type, identifies documented locations where children have found loaded guns in the home. The exterior brick is printed as a memorial to the numerous victims of school shootings and includes names and ages. This is not an all inclusive list, but represents a sampling of children and adults who have been fatally shot in a school environment. The text message is reminiscent of the message I received from my partner when an active shooter was on her school campus. This incident helped me to better understand how one would feel when their loved one is in grave danger.

Artist Bio

Jaime Lynn Shafer is a 2014 Corcoran College of Art + Design MA Art & the Book graduate. A native of Pennsylvania, Shafer graduated from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in 1999 with a B.F.A. in Fine Arts/Ceramics and a certification in art education. She spent thirteen years teaching art in the Pennsylvania public school system and traveled internationally with her students, offering them an opportunity to experience the global community. Shafer's work has been exhibited in the US and abroad and is a part of the permanent collections of Yale's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, George Washington University's Gelman Library, and UCLA Biomedical Library among others. Shafer is the 2015-2016 recipient of the Nell J. Redfield Fellowship in Book Arts at the University of Nevada, Reno.