Violet Nation by Marian Crane

Inspired by Ann Morton’s nationwide Violet Protest Project, in which vivid red and blue panels optically combine to form purple. This book features ten double-sided pages with red and blue fabrics and contrasting embroidery, focusing on the push-pull of American political life at the moment.

'Violet Nation / Cancel Culture / Civility /Accountable / Gaslight / Unity / Bipartisan / Responsible / Democratic / Isolationist / Dominionist / Cosmopolitan / Compromise / Conservative / Fascist /Progressive / Secular / Delusion / Ethnostate / Reality'

I hope readers of every political persuasion can leaf through this book, lulled by the craft, and still be galvanized into alertness about our fragile futures.

Artist Bio

Marian Crane grew up amid the spectacular landscapes and cultural diversity of northern New Mexico. A silversmith and fiber artist, she became enchanted with book art in the late 1990s. Her book art focuses on fiber, leather, glass, and wood surfaces because of their tactile richness, becoming hand-held installation art pieces for busy collectors who want a portable, introspective, and meditative experience. These pieces aren’t meant for large-scale display, but to be private pieces shared with close friends and family.